Hayling Island SNT
Hayling Island Safer Neighbourhoods Team (SNT) is a team made up of Police Officers, Special Constables, PCSOs and volunteers. Their aim is to provide a safer and improved quality of life to local residents. This team is led by Sergeant Neil Goodyear.
Hayling Island Safer Neighbourhoods Team (SNT) is a team made up of Police Officers, Special Constables, PCSOs and volunteers. Their aim is to provide a safer and improved quality of life to local residents. This team is led by Sergeant Neil Goodyear.
Hayling Island SNTS encourage community involvement and are keen to hear what residents policing priorities are. These priorities are then discussed at the Hayling Island Community Board which is an open meeting for all. To raise your concerns you can send an email to hayling.island.snt@hampshire.pnn.police.uk.
Neighbourhood Watch Schemes
Hayling Island has a number of neighbourhood watch schemes active on the island. Neighbourhood Watch is made up of small groups of volunteer residents. Members of the scheme watch out for signs of crime in their own neighbourhoods, and then share this information with each other and the SNTs.
For information on joining an existing or creating your own scheme speak to your local SNT.
Reporting Crime
In a non-emergency situation please call 101. This number will put you through to local police and is for instances such as damaged property or stolen vehicles.
If it is an emergency situation such as the crime is in progress, when there is danger to lives or is violence is being used or threatened please call 999.
Hayling Island Police
Hayling Island Police Station, on South Road, no longer has a front desk open to the public. It is however still actively used by Hampshire Police. Hayling Island Police Station does also have a yellow telephone on the wall outside which members of the public can use to speak to officers and police staff.