Hayling Island residents have rejected proposals for a new 20mph speed limit in West Town. The new scheme failed to win clear support among the local community with 54% being for it and 46% against the idea. Due to the unclear outcome transport leaders for the area have now scrapped the plans.
Acting chairman for Hayling Island Residents Association Tony Higham commented: I didnt meet anyone who was for it as recommended. It was too extensive in many cases on inappropriate roads and not addressing the real problem.
Councillor Mel Kendal in charge of transport in Hampshire said: We are grateful to all those who took the trouble to respond to us and for taking the time to answer the questionnaire.
This has been invaluable in giving us an indication of the level of support for residential 20mph limits and how far that support extends.
The police are unlikely to treat enforcement as a priority in the residential 20mph areas and so the support of residents through their participation in Community Speed Watch programmes will be important should compliance with the limits become an issue.
More details can be found here – http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/traffic-travel/hayling-islanders-reject-20mph-proposal-for-west-town-1-4938076